Dramafy+ Channels
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The Dramafy+ Channel on Apple Podcasts includes a special selection of audience favorites, and new exclusives.
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If your question is not answered here, please contact us at hello@dramafy.com
Where’s the best place to listen to Dramafy+?
If I already have a Dramafy+ subscription do I also get Dramafy+ on Apple Podcasts?
How many shows are there?
Can I share Dramafy+ Channel on Apple Podcasts with my family?
How much is Dramafy+?
Where’s the best place to listen to Dramafy+?
For most listeners, we recommend trying Dramafy+ at Dramafy.com and the Dramafy app for iOS (Android coming soon).
For listeners who already use Apple Podcasts and prefer to manage all their subscriptions there, Dramafy+ of Apple Podcasts is a great option.