Jerry Robbins
Jerry Robbins began writing in the world of audio dramas with The Colonial Radio Theatre on the Air, where he wrote 480 productions (features and series episodes), and produced a total of 700 features and episodes, that were hosted on Sirius/XM Radio for eight years. Colonial has won numerous awards over the years, including six Mark Time/Ogle Awards, two Parents’ Choice Awards, and two Audie Award Nominations. In that time, with The Colonial Radio Theatre, he was fortunate to have collaborated with Ray Bradbury, William Luce, and Walter Koenig on various audio productions. He later adapted one of his audio dramas into a screenplay, which was produced and released by Lionsgate. This led to another screenplay being filmed, and several more under option. His screenplays have won top honors in several festivals, and he also placed in the prestigious Academy Nicholl Fellowship with his animated musical “Jimmy and the Star Angel,” with composer Jeffrey Gage. Jerry loves old movies (especially anything with Clark Gable, Errol Flynn, Garbo, Claudette Colbert, and Donald Duck), history (his great grandfather x7 was the famed Giles Corey who was executed during the Salem Witch Trials in 1692), and of course, writing.