A Streetcar Named “Le Petit Lafitte”

A Streetcar Named “Le Petit Lafitte”



The adventures of Little Louie Lafitte, the littlest pirate New Orleans has ever known. “Le Petit Lafitte” was an old abandoned street car that Little Louie came upon in a cemetery. Curious, he stepped inside and discovered the seats we’re filled with skeletons wearing eye patches and bandannas. Suddenly, they all opened their jaws and emitted a hair-raising “Harr Harr Harr!” But Little Louie Lafitte, being a direct descendent of the famous Pirates Lafitte, knew these gleeful skeletons were itching for a good, devilish adventure. And so, on fog shrouded nights, that ghostly street car would appear out of the mist, to stop, and open its doors for tipsy, unsuspecting tourists. The locals knew better, they’d never step aboard, not unless they wanted the scariest ride of their life! Good for children 5 and up… and then some.


E1 Trolley Tracks in a Cemetery?
E2 Lost On a Foggy Night
E3 Point a Bony Finger Upward
E4 Big Footsy Fritzy & Twitchy Itchy Ernie.mp3
E5 Oh What Fun! (What fun indeed)
E6 Now Where Is That Ghostly, Ghastly Streetcar?


The adventures of Little Louie Lafitte, the littlest pirate New Orleans has ever known. “Le Petit Lafitte” was an old abandoned street car that Little Louie came upon in a cemetery. Curious, he stepped inside and discovered the seats we’re filled with skeletons wearing eye patches and bandannas. Suddenly, they all opened their jaws and emitted a hair-raising “Harr Harr Harr!” But Little Louie Lafitte, being a direct descendent of the famous Pirates Lafitte, knew these gleeful skeletons were itching for a good, devilish adventure. And so, on fog shrouded nights, that ghostly street car would appear out of the mist, to stop, and open its doors for tipsy, unsuspecting tourists. The locals knew better, they’d never step aboard, not unless they wanted the scariest ride of their life! Good for children 5 and up… and then some.



ZBS Media







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