Greenhorn Tales

Greenhorn Tales


Greenhorn Tales is an audio drama

about two young guys, Cam and Nick,

living in the small community of


Pilot - Moving, Motorcycles and Marching Bands
E1 - Bobcats and Balloons
E2 - Targets and Turntables
E3 - Fiddles and Flapjacks
E4 - Gauntlets and Goldfish
E5 - Campouts and Strikeouts
E6 - Beards and Bowties
E7 - Lattes and Lacrosse
E8 - Planes and Pony Rides
E9 - Trumpets and Crumpets
E10 - Pied and Prejudice
E11 - Portraits and Poinsettias


Greenhorn Tales is an audio drama about two young guys, Cam and Nick, living in the small community of Bristol. They share an apartment and are desperately trying to be adults, but are not quite succeeding. They are complete greenhorns at adult life.


Produced by

Porchlight Family Media
