The Last Book of John
1 Seasons
Science Fiction
America: on the cusp of dystopia. John, one of the last prophets on earth, roams the country, righting wrongs where he can...but belonging nowhere, wary to attach himself to a community or a cause. He's a good man caught in between heaven and hell. But when things seem the darkest, the dawn comes and he is called to usher in the “end of days,” the “millennium,” “Armageddon.” There are many names for it, but it will be the final test of humanity. The final fight between good and evil. He must find the "key" that will unlock the "seventh seal" to the last book of earth’s existence. That "key" is a woman. A woman of power, a woman of heart, a woman of beauty. A woman courageous above all other women. And he must find her before the battle can begin.
America: on the cusp of dystopia. John, one of the last prophets on earth, roams the country, righting wrongs where he can...but belonging nowhere, wary to attach himself to a community or a cause. He's a good man caught in between heaven and hell. But when things seem the darkest, the dawn comes and he is called to usher in the “end of days,” the “millennium,” “Armageddon.” There are many names for it, but it will be the final test of humanity. The final fight between good and evil. He must find the "key" that will unlock the "seventh seal" to the last book of earth’s existence. That "key" is a woman. A woman of power, a woman of heart, a woman of beauty. A woman courageous above all other women. And he must find her before the battle can begin.